Welcome to Kirk's Alpaca Farm

Book your Spring and Summer visit now!

Our family with one of our beautiful alpacas.

In June 2019 my husband and I started this crazy adventure!

We purchased 38 Alpacas and since then we have learned how to breed, how to shear, how to attend markets and where to get products made from alpaca fibre.

In August 2020, we decided to open up our farm to the public to enjoy the Alpacas. We currently have over 110 alpacas that people can enjoy while walking in the pasture and feeding the ones that will allow you . You can even pet baby alpacas (crias).

Handpicked by Kirks Alpaca Farm

Some of our very favorite items! Make sure to visit our store to see our entire selection!


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Some more things to do when you visit!

Feed the Alpacas & Other Animals

That’s right, you can enjoy them while walking around in our pasture. $3 for alpaca food, and $1 for chicken food.

Play on the Playground, Basketball Court, Swings & More

We would love for you and your children to play on our playground, play some basketball, plasma cars and more!

School Field Trips, Staff Parties and Birthday Parties

Contact us at kirksalpacafarm@gmail.com for more info.

Have a Picnic at the Farm

You are welcome to bring your lunch and enjoy the beautiful views!

Join our mailing list for Alpaca updates, sales, events and more!

Alpacas and manure for sale!

Get in touch for more details.

A couple petting our alpacas on our Alpaca Farm in Torrington, Alberta

Get Your Season Pass!

Buy your season pass now and unlock endless joy, savings, and alpaca-filled adventures. It’s the perfect way to create memories that will last a lifetime!